2020.08.01A new version of the demo with some minor bugfixes and improvements for the PC port has been released. No more demo releases are planned for the time being. You may get it on the downloads page. 2019.01.03A new version of the demo with many bugfixes has been released. You may get it on the downloads page. 2018.12.25The demo has been released! We have also begun a scoring competition to celebrate. 2018.10.13We will release the demo version this year, on December 25th. 2018.05.31We hope to have a demo available before the end of the year. The AC version will be available to play at the upcoming California Extreme. 2017.01.27Don't fear that this project is dead, we've been hard at work to bring the game up to our very high standards. A new demonstration video will be made in the coming months. The main page images have been updated. 2016.02.12A.Marshall will be attending AOD 2016 and will be prodding people to location test the game. The game will be present both days. Look for long hair, jeans, and a Raizing or NMK shirt (lol). 2015.09.27A new preview video has been uploaded. 2015.09.13Presentation and discussion on shooting game design will be held at Touhoucon in Los Angeles, California. The panel will be at 13:00 on Friday (2015.09.18), in the San Simeon AB room. A location test will also be held at the convention. 2015.08.01Small location test was held at a residence in San Jose, California. |